Our Communities

We place immense value on our Corporate Social Responsibility, and we’re committed to supporting communities across New Zealand through proactive partnerships.
Giving isn’t just about making a donation – it’s about making a difference.
keeping us save on the water


The Coastguard is a charity which does an impressive job keeping people safe on the water. We have partnered with the Tauranga Volunteer Coastguard for five years, the last four as their premier sponsor.

The Coastguard are always on the lookout for volunteers – see their website coastguard.co.nz for contact details.


making a difference

Hanmer Clinic

Since 1999, Hanmer Clinic in Tauranga has been at the forefront of providing alcohol and drug addiction treatment services in the Bay of Plenty. Their approach extends beyond addiction treatment; encompassing a holistic view of individual wellness, integrating the strengths of the person and their family into the recovery process.

The value of Hanmer Clinic’s work is echoed in the heartfelt testimonials of those who have benefitted from their services. One client shared, “The treatment I have received from Hanmer Clinic has been life-changing,” while another reflected, “This programme and the team have helped me change my path on which I journey.”

To learn more visit hanmerclinic.co.nz

investing in the future

House of Science

In 2024 we sponsored House of Science in their efforts to improve STEM education in New Zealand.

Here’s some of their 2024 highlights:

  • Released their first ever Impactlab GoodMeasure report, showing that their programme delivers a $10.20 return for every $1 it costs to run.
  • Increased reach from 710 to 728 schools. They now reach approximately 180,000 students across Aotearoa New Zealand.
  • 1,200 kits available in across the country; each fortnight over 41,000 students used a House of Science kit.

If you’d like to learn more visit houseofscience.nz


supporting our schools

MMC Cricket Programme Sponsorship

We have recently partnered with Mount Maunganui College cricket club. The sponsorship provided by First Mortgage Trust contributes to the cost of the cricket programme, with our funds targeted toward uniforms and equipment.

Great to be on board with you MMC!

Please note: Where sponsorship funds or donations are made by the Manager, these do not come out of investor funds.


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            Youth Sponsorship Application

              Which type of fund is right for me?

              Complete this questionnaire to see what type of fund might be the most tax effective for your circumstances. Please note, this is just a guide and we recommend you seek professional tax advice.

              Are you investing as an individual or trust?
              Other investor types should seek professional tax advice.


              Is your tax return completed by a tax adviser or accountant?

              Can you reasonably estimate your own annual income?

              What is your total income from all sources (including PIE income)?

              YOUR RESULTS

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              Do you distribute all annual income to beneficiaries?

              Do all Trusts beneficiaries earn more than $48K from all sources (including PIE income)?

              YOUR RESULTS

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              Disclaimer – This tool is intended to provide general guidance only. This tool does not take into account your particular financial situation, objectives or goals.

              There are alternative strategies which may provide better outcomes, we recommend you seek independent advice before making any investment decision. If you have completed this guide and wish to discuss this, we recommend you seek professional tax advice.