Resources for Borrowing

Here’s everything you need to get started with borrowing from FMT, including documents, articles and FAQs.
If you need something else please get in touch, we’re always happy to help.
Contact our Lending Team


Sep 21, 2023

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a first mortgage loan?

First mortgage finance is a loan secured against property, and which has priority over other amounts secured against that property.

Does FMT offer second mortgages?

No, we do not offer second mortgages. However, we are open to talking through your situation to see if we can help you with a solution. If we can’t help, we can recommend others who may be able to help you.

How much money can I borrow from FMT?

Our minimum loan is $150,000 and our maximum is $15,000,000.

Click here to learn more about our lending criteria.

How do I start the loan application process?

Pick up the phone and talk to our team, or download a pack and we can start the conversation.

What types of loans do FMT offer?

We offer a range of different loans. We provide residential loans (that don’t involve consumer lending), commercial / industrial loans, development / construction loans, investor loans, equity finance and bridging finance loans. All loans need to be secured by property on a first mortgage.

What’s FMT loans criteria?

We lend to a certain level against different categories of property. Loan applications are considered on a case by case basis within First Mortgage Trust Lending criteria.

Click here to view our Loan Criteria

Does FMT offer consumer lending?

No, we don’t do consumer lending. So we don’t do traditional 30 year mortgages, car loans, etc.

While First Mortgage Trust has a small number of pre-existing consumer loans, it is no longer in the business of providing such loans. Accordingly, our suite of consumer loan documents is no longer included on our website. If you have any queries around an existing loan, please contact us on 0800 321 113.

How much do you charge for interest?


The rate charged will depend on your financial circumstances taking into account, how much you want to borrow, the term of your loan, your income, your other financial commitments, your credit history, and the Loan to Value Ratio of security offered.

To view our rates: Lending Criteria and Rates

We will always do our best to offer you the best interest rate possible.

How long can I borrow for?

Our loans’ terms range from 3 months to 4 years and we can also provide loan extensions.

What experience do you have within your lending and management team?

We have offices in Auckland, Tauranga, Wellington and Christchurch. Our team possess local knowledge and experience to help in all areas of property investment and development, complemented by specialists in the areas of accounting, law, financial services and property lending. This means we have the skills on hand when we need them, and we can speak your language when we are looking at how we can assist you.

What if my circumstances change through the duration of my lending?

We are realistic and would rather hear from you, than not. During Covid, we were very proactive with advisers and clients, initiating conversations with the offer of loan extensions and capitalised interest relief where required. It’s this personalised approach and our team taking the time to understand our client’s individual financial position that sets us apart from traditional lending organisations.

I use the services of a financial adviser. Can they contact you?

Yes, we would welcome an inquiry from your adviser. Many will know of FMT and our lending requirements already thanks to the proactive involvement we have had in the industry over many years.

I hear that you provide adviser training. How do I participate?

Yes, you are correct. We do run one-on-one and group training sessions with advisers, upskilling them and their staff about non-bank lending and how to tailor applications to improve turnaround times. We also constantly update advisers on the market and the types of creditworthy opportunities we are keen to progress. Contact us to talk about this further.

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      Your contact details will only be used for this purpose, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

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            Youth Sponsorship Application

              Which type of fund is right for me?

              Complete this questionnaire to see what type of fund might be the most tax effective for your circumstances. Please note, this is just a guide and we recommend you seek professional tax advice.

              Are you investing as an individual or trust?
              Other investor types should seek professional tax advice.


              Is your tax return completed by a tax adviser or accountant?

              Can you reasonably estimate your own annual income?

              What is your total income from all sources (including PIE income)?

              YOUR RESULTS

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              Do you distribute all annual income to beneficiaries?

              Do all Trusts beneficiaries earn more than $48K from all sources (including PIE income)?

              YOUR RESULTS

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              Disclaimer – This tool is intended to provide general guidance only. This tool does not take into account your particular financial situation, objectives or goals.

              There are alternative strategies which may provide better outcomes, we recommend you seek independent advice before making any investment decision. If you have completed this guide and wish to discuss this, we recommend you seek professional tax advice.