Increase in scam activity

We’re seeing a rise in scams, including fraudulent emails and phone calls pretending to be from First Mortgage Trust and other trusted organisations.

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Cyber Security – Be on Guard

Cyber security remains an important topic for all online organisations and users.

At FMT, we are proactive in following guidance provided by cyber security authorities and governing bodies. This includes having our team complete regular training in cyber security awareness and best practices.

For your part as a user, key things to remember are:

  • Use strong and unique passwords.
  • Don’t participate in social media posts where you are asked questions that could then be used to unlock your bank or online details.
  • Turn on a second layer of protection – for example, have a text sent to your phone with a passcode that’s required as a second form of ID to get into your online accounts.
  • Always download apps from an official app store.
  • Turn on automatic software updates to ensure that you have the latest security measures in place at all times.
    Be suspicious! Particularly of messages from people you don’t know, or when your name is spelt wrong. Delete these immediately and do not engage with them.

When it comes to communications from FMT, we only have two official domains ( and What this means is that if you receive an email or visit a website and it is not or it’s not FMT.

If you suspect you have received communication from someone impersonating FMT please let us know by calling 0800 321 113 or emailing [email protected].

For further advice, go to


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            Youth Sponsorship Application

              Which type of fund is right for me?

              Complete this questionnaire to see what type of fund might be the most tax effective for your circumstances. Please note, this is just a guide and we recommend you seek professional tax advice.

              Are you investing as an individual or trust?
              Other investor types should seek professional tax advice.


              Is your tax return completed by a tax adviser or accountant?

              Can you reasonably estimate your own annual income?

              What is your total income from all sources (including PIE income)?

              YOUR RESULTS

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              Do you distribute all annual income to beneficiaries?

              Do all Trusts beneficiaries earn more than $48K from all sources (including PIE income)?

              YOUR RESULTS

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              Disclaimer – This tool is intended to provide general guidance only. This tool does not take into account your particular financial situation, objectives or goals.

              There are alternative strategies which may provide better outcomes, we recommend you seek independent advice before making any investment decision. If you have completed this guide and wish to discuss this, we recommend you seek professional tax advice.