Making your investment work for you

Managing Your Cash in Retirement

Now you have reached retirement age, it’s time to relax and enjoy the rewards of your labours. The mortgage is paid off, your children are independent, and you have saved a sum of money which will supplement your New Zealand Superannuation and allow you to enjoy a comfortable life.

Your money, your way

At FMT, we understand the need to invest with confidence, with the added flexibility of drawing down your funds as you need them.

That’s why we’ve created our Managing Your Cash in Retirement solution.

This facility allows you to get all of the benefits that come from investing with First Mortgage Trust, together with the ability to access your money as and when you need it.  Your arrangements can be reviewed at any time and at no cost, meaning the facility can respond to your changing circumstances in real time.

We have a Managing your cash in retirement calculator so you assess how long you might be able to drawdown a fixed monthly amount from your investment before your savings have been fully utilised.

Use Our Retirement Calculator

Key benefits of the Managing Your Cash in Retirement facility

  • You can make regular withdrawals to supplement your superannuation.  We pay directly into your bank account on the 10th or 20th of the month
  • You can still make larger withdrawals for bigger ticket items like holidays, cars or house repairs by simply letting us know how much you wish to access.
  • You can take comfort in the knowledge that investments made by the Funds are secured by first registered mortgages over land and buildings in New Zealand with relatively conservative Loan to Valuation ratios.

To get started, download and complete the Managing Your Cash in Retirement form (and the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Application Form if you are not a current investor with us).

Download Managing my Cash in Retirement Brochure Download PDS (GIF) & Application form

Client Feedback

"People want consistently attractive returns from their investments, but they don’t want their money locked away and out of reach should they need regular top-ups to help meet their living expenses or if they want to make larger withdrawals for big ticket items."

Start investing with First Mortgage Trust

1. If you want to talk to us

Phone or email to talk to our investment team. We can either set up a meeting in our office, or an online meeting. You can find these below.

2. Download our Investor Pack

Download our Product Disclosure Statements and complete our Application forms, send them to us and we will be in contact. Click here to Download our Investor Pack.

3. Request a call-back

Request a call-back and our team will give you a call back to talk about how we can help you. Click here to request a call-back.

Want to set up a Managing Your Cash in Retirement facility?

Download and complete the brochure.
If you are not already an investor, you will need to complete an Application form first.

Download our brochure

Download FMT Lending Pack


    Download FMT Investor Pack

      By providing your email, you agree to receive an investment pack and further emails containing information about investing with FMT.
      Your contact details will only be used for this purpose, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

      Request Physical FMT Investor Pack

        Fill out the form below and our team will post you out an investment pack as soon as possible.

        Request a Call-back


          Request a Call-back

            Youth Sponsorship Application

              Which type of fund is right for me?

              Complete this questionnaire to see what type of fund might be the most tax effective for your circumstances. Please note, this is just a guide and we recommend you seek professional tax advice.

              Are you investing as an individual or trust?
              Other investor types should seek professional tax advice.


              Is your tax return completed by a tax adviser or accountant?

              Can you reasonably estimate your own annual income?

              What is your total income from all sources (including PIE income)?

              YOUR RESULTS

              Contact Us



              Do you distribute all annual income to beneficiaries?

              Do all Trusts beneficiaries earn more than $48K from all sources (including PIE income)?

              YOUR RESULTS

              Contact Us

              Disclaimer – This tool is intended to provide general guidance only. This tool does not take into account your particular financial situation, objectives or goals.

              There are alternative strategies which may provide better outcomes, we recommend you seek independent advice before making any investment decision. If you have completed this guide and wish to discuss this, we recommend you seek professional tax advice.